Arun Property

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Misrepresentation Act: Whilst the statements contained in this website and property particulars listed therein are given in good faith and as a general guide, they do not form any part of an offer or contract, neither the vendor, lessor, or any person in the employment of Briant Champion Long has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatsoever in relation to any of the listed properties. Interested parties must satisfy themselves by inspection or other wise as to the correctness of property particulars. May 2010.

This website describes services provided in the UK by Briant Champion Long.

While Briant Champion Long make every effort to ensure that everything on the website is accurate and complete, we provide it for information only, so it is indicative, rather than definitive.  We thus make no explicit or implicit guarantee of its accuracy, and, as far as applicable laws allow, we neither accept responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions, nor for loss that may result directly or indirectly from reliance on its content.  Users of the website should not take or omit to take any action that relies on information on the website.  Briant Champion Long may correct or update the website without prior notice.

In making the website available, Briant Champion Long do not imply or establish any client, advisory, financial or professional relationship.  Through the website, neither Briant Champion Long nor any other person is providing advisory, consulting or other professional services.

© Arun Property 2025

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